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Legal notice


Name of the website: NXO France website





All the elements appearing on this website including: brands, logos, domain name, texts, pictures and others, are protected by the current intellectual property laws and belong to NXO France or have been authorized for the use of NXO France.
Any reproduction or representation, either partially or fully, of one or more of the aforementioned elements, in any way whatsoever or in any form whatsoever, whether alone or incorporated with other elements, without the express prior written authorisation of NXO France is strictly prohibited, except as authorized under intellectual property laws in the case of strictly personal, private and non-commercial use.
Any partial or full representation, modification, reproduction, denaturation, of the website and its content in any way whatsoever or in any form whatsoever would be considered as an infringement of NXO France’s rights and a counterfeit sanctioned under articles L 335-2 and the followings of the French Intellectual Property Code.


The information and documents accessible through this website are free of charge and does not create a contract. The use of the information and documents present on this website are the user own peril and risk.
NXO France does everything within its means to provideup-to-date information on this website. However, it may contain inaccuracies or outdated information. Therefore, NXO does not guarantee the accuracy and completeness of available information on this website and in any downloadable documents. Availability of information cannot exempt user of a complementary and adapted research and analysis.
NXO France will in no event be held liable for any damage including incidental, consequential or punitive damages that may result from or relating to the use, the inability to make use or the trust given to all content of this website and the full or partial use of information contained therein.
The user agrees to use the information provided on the website under his exclusive responsability.
NXO France does not guarantee continued access to this website and its security as well as the absence of viruses or other dangerous components.


The law applicable to this website is French law.
Any dispute brought against NXO France will be subject to the France courts.